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May 13, 2024

Legal News

May 13, 2024

Tesla Rescinds Summer Intern Offers

Throughout this week, Tesla employees have been confronted with a series of unsettling developments following a wave of layoffs. The electric vehicle manufacturer is now revoking summer internship offers, mere weeks before the interns were scheduled to commence their roles.

This decision aligns with CEO Elon Musk's efforts to reduce expenses at the struggling company, although Bloomberg suggests that the impact on Tesla's finances might be minimal. Some online listings for these internships advertise hourly rates ranging from $18 to $28, while others offer no compensation at all.

Tesla typically recruits over 3,000 students worldwide for internships annually, pledging to provide them with "meaningful work from day one."

At Outside Legal Counsel LLP, our attorneys have extensive experience with internship related laws. Feel free to contact us for a consultation to discuss your specific needs.

This is not legal advice and is attorney advertising.

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